Susanna – Maia Aramburu, La Contessa – Luxana Lozano, Il Conte – David D’Ardenne;
Photo Credits: Anna Borodina
Opera in 4 acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte
Musical directing: Giuseppe Montesano
Stage directing: Anna Borodina
The Vienna Summer Music Festival Orchestra
Il Conte Almaviva: David D’Ardenne
La Contessa Almaviva: Luxana Lozano, Annie Burgett
Susanna: Maia Aramburu, Mary-Bradley Knighton
Figaro: Pablo Aun, Hayden Höglund
Cherubino: Pelagia Pamel, Michaela Larsen
Marcellina: Cassandra Petrie, Diamond Sparks
Bartolo: Aryeh Carmi
Basilio: Daniel Ystad
Antonio: Tomas Velasquez
Barbarina: Anastasia Gall, Katherine Westhoven
Servants: Tomas Velasquez, Hayden Höglund, Pablo Aun, Annie Burgett, Luxana Lozano, Mary-Bradley Knighton, Maia Aramburu, Michaela Larsen, Pelagia Pamel, Diamond Sparks, Cassandra Petrie, Katherine Westhoven, Anastasia Gall
Premiere: Palais Ehrbar, Vienna, 14 July 2022
Photo Credits: Anna Borodina
Click here to watch “Non piu andrai”